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Oriënt Express

vr 10 jan 2025 22:00 uur

Music from TUVA by Sainkho Namtchylak, Eva Kanalas & Géza Fábri, Igor Koshkendey.

S a i n k h o   N a m t c h y l a k.
Sainkho was born in a small gold mining town in Tuva. Her grandparents were nomads and her parents were school teachers. She studied music at the local college and in Moscow to continue her music studies there. She also immersed herself in various Siberian traditions and in Tuvan and Mongolian throat and overtone singing. In 1988 Sainkho started working with various musicians from the Soviet Union, with the aim of mixing traditional ethnic elements with avant-garde styles. She was a key member of the ensemble Tri-O. ​​Their music was a mixture of exotic melodies, throat and overtone singing, jazz, ambient etc.
CD. Naked spirit – Sainkho Namtchylak.
LABEL: Amiata (1998), code: ARNR 2298. VIDEO

E v a   K a n a l a s   &   G é z a   F á b r i.
Eva began studying the music of Transylvania in the late 1980s, but soon began collaborating with jazz composers and folk musicians from areas far removed from her Hungarian roots, including Tuva in Siberia and the Urals. During her travels, she learned techniques from fellow composers and artists, particularly the breathing methods used by Siberian shamans and Canadian Eskimos for their ritual songs. In recent years, she has been working on specific voices and interpretations under her mythological name, Ojanna, and was in the Netherlands to present her ethnographic research as a documentary film. The songs are Csangó folk songs from Transylvania, as well as renditions and interpretations from Siberian and Uralian Tuvan, Bashkir, Altai and Khakas cultures.
CD. Túl a vizen – Éva Kanalas & Géza Fábri.
LABEL: PAN (2000), code: PAN 180 CD. VIDEO

I g o r   K o s h k e n d e y.
The autonomous republic of Tuva, in the south of Siberia, is mainly known for its famous throat singing or overtone singing (khoomei) that this country is home to. A nice anecdote: traditionally it was believed that if women practiced khoomei they would become infertile, fortunately this popular belief is starting to wane and more and more women are practicing khoomei. In addition to Khoomei, the Tuvans have three other typical singing styles, of which Igor Koshkendey gives examples. He is accompanied by various instruments: a lute with two strings, a violin with two strings and a trapezoid harmonic sound box, a flute and a drum used by shamans during their rites.
CD. Music from Tuva – Igor Koshkendey.
LABEL: Amiata (1998), code: ARNR 1497. VIDEO

Produced by Cobie Ivens

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