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The Spirit of Gambo and Kairos Ensemble in Concertzender Live

tue 6 sep 2022
Theme: Early Music

On Friday 9th September in Concertzender Live we’re playing our live recording of the Dutch gamba consort The Spirit of Gambo and the Fabulous Fringe-concert by the Kairos Ensemble. We made the recordings during the Early Music Festival 2021.

The Spirit of Gambo
At the start of the Early Music Festival 2021 the Dutch gamba consort The Spirit of Gambo played the concert ‘The Speechless Violin: After the Polyphonic Rhetoric’.
The five gamba players played English compositions which were originally church works but were uncoupled from their religious texts. The English Reformation permitted very little expressions of joy so much church music was uncoupled from it’s religious texts and transformed into instrumental music for home or other profane use.
The Spirit of Gambo show how these very different pieces sound in their textless form.

Kairós Ensemble
The Kairós Ensemble played a Fabulous Fringe-concert during the Festival. This quartet comprises four young musicians who in 2021 had not even graduated from the Amsterdam Conservatory. The Kairós Ensemble comprises: Teresa Costa (traverso), Anthi Ioannidou (violin), Gied van Oorschot (cello) and Katerina Orfanoudaki (harpsichord).
You’ll hear works by Marin Marais, a triosonate by Georg Philipp Telemann and an excerpt from The Musical Offering by van Johann Sebastian Bach.

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