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Bach cd 2020 winners

fri 25 dec 2020
Theme: Early Music

At the start of December we announced the nominations for Bach cd 2020 in Bach ad Infinitum and listeners could vote. Here are the winners !



Result BachCD 2020
These are the 3 cd’s with the most votes.

  1. Bach Bartók (c. 47%)
    Julien Libeer
  2. J.S. Bach – Weihnachtsoratorium (27 %)
    J.S. Bach-Stiftung St. Gallen – Rudolf Lutz
  3. Dance – Bach by Bornkamp (c. 19%)
    Arno Bornkamp

Listen tor Concertzender Actueel on Wednesday 23rd December from 14:00 to 16:00 , when Govert Jan Bach will discuss the nominations and winning cd’s.
Thereafter the top 3 will be announced.

Or listen here to the announcement :