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ma 6 dec 2010 14:00 uur
Genre: Afrobeat
Componist: Traditional

“Mariama”, een programma met Afrikaanse muziek. Harde Etno.

Zang, duimpiano’s, mondbogen en ander traditioneel instrumentarium, het komt allemaal langs in deze uitzending. Een uur traditionele, etnische muziek, uit Mali, Ghana, Gabon en Angola, via Congo, Burundi, Rwanda en Oeganda naar Kenia, Tanzania, Mozambique en Malawi. Naast enkele recentere, vooral veel historische opnamen, met name van Hugh Tracey. Inderdaad, 100% harde etno: zonder poespas en ongelooflijk mooi.
Eindelijk weer eens een uitzending waaraan puristen hun hart kunnen ophalen.
1. Siaka Sidibé Ensemble. Fila Fulani (traditioneel).
CD: Siaka Sidibé Ensemble / Sidikiba Keita: Hunter’s Harp Music from Mali (2008). PAN Records, Pan 2108
2. ??. Benta 1 (traditioneel).
CD: Music in Ghana (1997). Popular African Music, pamap 601
3. ??. Benta 3 (traditioneel).
CD: Music in Ghana (1997). Popular African Music, pamap 601
4. Chlotilde Michemi & Théodore Ossele. Ndombi 1 (traditioneel).
CD: Gabon: Chants Atege/Atege Songs (2004). Ocora, C 560199
5. Paul Lakungu. Onkila 4 (traditioneel).
CD: Gabon: Chants Atege/Atege Songs (2004). Ocora, C 560199
6. Rodrigues Sikulo & Inácio Chigando. ?? (traditioneel).
CD: Tsikaya: Angola Rhythms of Change (200?). PangeiArt, Pan 004 CD promo
7. Mbuti. Luma Pipes (traditioneel).
CD: On The Edge of the Ituri Forest: northeastern Belgian Congo 1952 (1998). SWP Records, SWP 009/HT 03
8. Bakia Pierre. Gitari na Congo (traditioneel).
CD: Forest Music: northern Belgian Congo 1952 (2000). SWP Records, SWP 016/HT 010
9. Albert Lokwa & Jarimo. Ndiri (traditioneel).
CD: Forest Music: northern Belgian Congo 1952 (2000). SWP Records, SWP 016/HT 010
10. Batimbo. Yewe Sha (traditioneel).
CD: African Rhythms: Traditional Voices and Music from the Heart of Africa (2001). Manteca World Music, Mant CD015
11. Ndengabaganizi Leonard, Rwagasana Michel & Ewagirumukiza Dontien. Nimuze Tugweragwere (traditioneel).
CD: At The Court of the Mwami, Ruanda: 1952 (1998). SWP Records, SWP 007/HT 01
12. Ntamakiriro. Rukanga Rwamajana (traditioneel).
CD: At The Court of the Mwami, Ruanda: 1952 (1998). SWP Records, SWP 007/HT 01
13. Temusewo Mukasa. Gganga Alula (traditioneel).
CD: Royal Court Music from Uganda: 1950 & 1952 (1998). SWP Records, SWP 008/HT 02
14. Madinda ga Kabaka. Nandikulamudde (traditioneel).
CD: Royal Court Music from Uganda: 1950 & 1952 (1998). SWP Records, SWP 008/HT 02
15. Nyawaga Mgele. Onyiego Kobara (traditioneel).
CD: Kenyan Songs and Strings: 1950 & 1952 (2006). SWP Records, SWP 030/HT 019
16. Onbonyo Ang’ Ang’O. Sila Rado (traditioneel).
CD: The Secret Museum of Mankind: Music of East Africa; Ethnic Music Classics: 1925-1948 (1998). Yazoo, 7015
17. Baiyani Medurek & Maasai men. Tamanaiyo Angare Nanyoki (traditioneel).
CD: Tanzania Vocals: 1950 (2003). SWP Records, SWP 023/HT 015
18. Mwanjila Nsolo. Tubuke ku kaya kwa Mwankenja (traditioneel).
CD: Tanzania Instruments: 1950. SWP Records, SWP 022/HT 014
19. Eliazale Kazinduki & Horn Band. Nkete (traditioneel).
CD: Tanzania Instruments: 1950. SWP Records, SWP 022/HT 014
20. Habib Bin Seliman. Mugasha (traditioneel).
CD: Tanzania Instruments: 1950. SWP Records, SWP 022/HT 014
21. João Mate. Mubedo Wamina Ysati Wana Wamina/Tchaya Kufamba Ukatini (João Mate).
CD: Mozambique Two (1994). Globestyle Records, CDORBD 087
22. Sauti Matseno. Maria wa Ntumbi (traditioneel).
CD: Southern Mozambique: Portuguese East Africa 1943, ’49, ’54, ’55, ’57, ’63 (2003). SWP Records, SWP 021/HT 013
23. Mami Nakwenda & Belifa Nyabanda. Ine Ndidandaula (traditioneel).
CD: Southern & Central Malawi: Nyasaland 1950, ’57, ’58 (2000). SWP Records, SWP 013/HT 07

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